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Meet The Team at Power Property

  • PJ Power

    Managing Director MSCSI, MRICS, RICS Registered Valuer +353 61 318 770 more info
    PSRA Licence No: 001297 - 001333 PJ is the Managing Director of Power Property with offices in Limerick, Galway and Athlone. PJ heads up the Professional Services Team and has acted as Commercial Property Consultant to a number of major companies, state agencies and local authorities. PJ has extensive experience in the Commercial Property Sector including Sales, Lettings, Valuations, Rent Reviews and Asset & Property Management. PJ has acted as an Arbitrator and Independent Expert on a wide range of Landlord and tenant Disputes and in particular Rent Review Arbitrations.
  • Andrew Carberry

    Director MSCSI, MRICS, RICS Registered Valuer +353 90 648 9000 more info
    001297-005386 Andrew is a Director of the firm with over 20 years’ experience in the Commercial Property market in Ireland providing private sector, public sector and institutional clients with strategic advice in valuation, landlord and tenant, commercial agency and statutory valuations. Andrew joined Power Property in 2013 having previously worked in Dublin for many years. Andrew holds a BSc in Real Estate Management from Oxford Brookes University and is a Professional Member of the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors as well as being an RICS Registered Valuer since the scheme was introduced in 2012.
  • Patrick Seymour

    Head of Commercial Agency MSCSI, MRICS +353 61 318 770 more info
    PSRA Licence No: 001297 - 001336 Patrick has responsibility for the management of the Commercial Agency Department including Sales, Lettings and Acquisitions. Patrick has acted for Landlords and Developers in negotiating some of the largest office lettings in the Mid West Region in recent years to occupiers such as Intel, Gilt Groupe, WIPRO and Northern Trust Bank.
  • Naomi Power

    Surveyor MRICS +353 61 318 770 more info
    PSRA Licence No: 001297 - 001345 Naomi is a Surveyor at Power Property and has worked with the company for almost 20 years. Naomi works in both the professional services and consultancy departments and acts for a number of private and public clients within the Education Sector, Private Funds, various Religious Orders and various County Council’s.
  • Colin Kavanagh

    Surveyor MSCSI, MRICS +353 61 318770 more info
    001297 - 009537 Colin is a Surveyor at Power Property, based in the Galway Office. Colin works closely with Niall in Galway, and PJ in Limerick, on the Commercial Property Practice and Valuation sides of the business. Colin has extensive experience in the Commercial Property Sector, having previously worked with Savills. In the Cork market, Colin was involved in everything from Valuation, Offices and Industrial & Logistics, to Hotels, Development Agency & Investment. In the Dublin market, Colin worked exclusively in Retail, and so has vast experience in the sector. Since joining Power Property, Colin has worked in both the Limerick and Galway Offices, working in Agricultural/Forestry Land and Landlord & Tenant in addition to the sectors and services which he already worked in in his previous roles.
  • Kathy McDonagh

    Surveyor Assoc. SCSI +353 90 648 9000 more info
    001297-008307 Kathy has worked for Power Property since 2015, initially in Administration and then returned to college and completed a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Property Studies in Technological University Dublin and achieved a Level 6 (Higher Certificate) and now works as a Surveyor. Kathy is an Associate Member of the SCSI. Kathy works in both the Professional Services and Agency Departments. Kathy is responsible for the Administration of NPCp (National Property Consultants Partnership) of which Power Property are a member firm. Alongside this, Kathy provides strategic advice and support for commercial clients in relation to Property Management and Service Charge Regimes.
  • Niamh Morrissey

    Surveyor BSc (Hons) +353 91 567 331 more info
    001297-008550 Niamh worked for AMP Capital (in Sydney) for 6 months where she was part of the Leasing team, involved in acquiring tenants for new retail units during the redevelopment of Macquarie Shopping Centre. Following which Niamh moved to Perth where she worked for ACORPP for five years. During which time Niamh has gained extensive experience in the commercial property market carrying out lease negotiations on new deals as well as lease renewals, rent reviews etc. Niamh has experience in managing property portfolios for both Government and Private clients and has a commitment to ensuring that the clients leases are managed accordingly. On returning from Australia Niamh joined Power Property Group in December 2020 and is heavily involved in the compilation and management of Lease information, as part of Power Propertys Professional Services.
  • Rebecca Corbett

    Surveyor +353 61 318 770 more info
    001297 - 009464 Rebecca is a Surveyor at Power Property and has worked with the company initially in an administration role but with the help of Power Property in 2020, Rebecca returned to college and is now a qualified Surveyor. Rebecca works in both the Professional Services and Agency Departments and acts for a number of Private and Public clients within the Education Sector, Religious Orders and various County Council’s.
  • Rob Larby

    Surveyor BSc (Hons) +353 61 318 770 more info
    001279 - 010077
  • Clodagh Barry

    Office and Accounts Administrator BBS, MBA, PGDTE +353 61 318 770 more info
    Clodagh works on a number of strategic projects both in the Public & Private Sectors. Alongside this, Clodagh works within the Property Administration and Accounts Department as well as working with the surveyors within the Power Property Professional Services and Agency Teams.
  • Sandra Newton

    Accounts Manager +353 61 318 770
  • Irma Carey

    TUS Trainee Surveyor +353 61 318 770
  • Sandra Enright

    TUS Trainee Surveyor +353 61 318 770
  • Charlene Kelly

    Administration & Support +353 61 318 770